Tipsy Traveler Cocktails Cocktail Experiences in Tulum, Montauk and NYC Book an Event Below: Name* Email Address* Month* Month*DecNovOctoberSeptemberAugustJulyJuneMayAprilFebMarchJan Day* Day*12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 Please Request a Time* Please Request a Time*12:00pm1:00pm2:00pm3:00pm4:00pm5:00pm6:00pm7:00pm8:00pm9:00pm10:00pm11:00pm12:00am1:00am Enter Number of Guests* Enter Number of Guests*123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930 Special Requests/Celebrations Please Select an Experience Please Select an Experience2 Hour Open Margarita Bar2 Hour Cocktail WorkshopMezcal and Tequila Tasting Choose Location Choose LocationTulumMontaukNew York City Submit